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Academic & Rules

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Important Information

New session of the school commences on April. Scholars are Informed to come to school in prescribed uniform right from the first day of the academic session.

I. School Hansoms Summer:

Girls Tunic. Skirt, Blouse
Boys Shorts &White Shirt Pants

2. Rates for Leave

(a) A leave application must be signed by the parents otherwise the student will be considered absent. Leave should be approved in advance. (b) No half day will be granted. In rare cases, it may begrantedit parents themselves arrive.
(c) Sick leave application( f more than seven days) should be submitted along with medical certificate by a registered doctor.

3. Student’s Name may be struck on In the following conditions

(a) if the student it absent for more than 10 days without sending leave application.
(b) If fee Is not deposited in time or late fee or other penalties are not deposited.
(c) If the student is found misbehaving within school premises or damaging school PcoPartY.

4. Readmission

Once a student’s name is struck off, he/She may be readmitted in the school if the principal is assured that He/She would not misbehave in the school in the future. For re-admission Ito 1000/-will be deposited. 

Examination and Promotion Rule

Rules Regarding the Eligibility for Appearing In Examination and Promotion

The examination is no less important than teaching. Our tests /Examination 410 develop the habit of regular, systematic, and methodical work among the student


1. Attendance

To appear in the Annual Examination to student must have 75% attenclance as total working day of the academic session.

2. Rules for Passing the Examination

The students will be promoted according to the performance shown by them in an examination. 36% marks in each subject In grand total is required but to secure 20% marks in the annual examination is essential for the promotion to next class.

Medical Certificate

if any student has not appeared In any examination, has to submit a medical certificate within a week of completion of the examination. Medical leave will be accepted on, in two examinations but the result of the Annual Examination will be declared only those students who have appeared in the Annual Examination.

Grace Marks

If any students does not attain pus marks in one or two subjects. Principal may promote here by granting grace marks on the following basis.

I. The student’s behavior and conduct must be good during the whole academe session.
2. If the student failed in one subject, she may be granted 6% marks of the total marks 0 the subject. if the student has failed in two subjects she will be granted 3% marks of the total marks in those subjects.
4. If the student acquires privilege in any subject under medical cue and has passed the concerning subject, only then, he will be considered to get the privilege of gettiqthe grace marks in other subjects.

Grading System

For Class I to VII

Marks  Grade
Below 36 E


Examination and promotion rules


(A) EllgIbIllq for Supplementary :

1. Supplementary can be given in maximum two subjects.
2. Students have to achieve minimum 25% marks of the total in concerning subject to get supplementary.

Rules for passing the examinatination

1. The students have to secure 36% marks in each paper to pus the examination.
2. No grace marks will be Oven in supplementary examination.
(C) Re-Examlnatton: EllgIbIllty :Reny student presents medical certificate for not appearing in the Annual examination, He/She may appear In Re-Examination M all those subject for which He/She has submitted the medical certificate. Re-Examination is scheduled with Supplementary Examination.

Other Rules

1. A Candidate or here parents may apply for retotaling of his/her marks by submitting an application with a fee of Rs. 100/- per subject within three days from the declaration of results.
2. The Rules of totaling are as follows
(a) Whether all the questions are checked or not.
(b) Total of the marks. Code Against Using Unfair Means in the Examination:

Following practices are regarded as unfair means.

(i) Giving/receiving assistance directly or indirectly in the examination.
(ii) Having possession of copying material concerned with the exam or undesirable things such as a paper book, answer sheet.
(iii) Smuggling of the examination answer book, question paper, etc.
(iv) Using or attempting to use abusive or obscene language In the answer book or at the examination center.

For Students


  1. Discipline politeness should be given top priority.

  2. The student must reach school 

  3. They mist come to school parents and elders inside and outside the three

  4. They must greet teachers, When the teacher enter or exit the classroom, students must get up

  5. respect. t maintaM discipline in the classroom. In absence of a teacher

  6. Tohlleoywmthl Instructions of class monitor.

  7. They must complete their homework regularly bdng diary and identity card In the School daily Class Teacher -,co

  8. teacher tnay cheek then] any time.

  9. They should be friendly with their classmates and other school studer,

  10. The students should not roam about in the school building.

  11. They should use school furniture very carefully

  12. The student should plan their routine. a

  13. They should try to maintain healthy relations with the teacher to solve, — it

  14. They should actively participate in school activities.

  15. They must try to keep the prestige of the school up.

  16. They must not use abusive language while talking to any on

  17. They should read Notice-Board regularly. in.

  18. They should use library books.

  19. They should contact the Principal to solve any problem concerning school.

  20. They should not enter the Principal room, office, and examination room or use the school telephone without permission.

  21. They should keep the school neat and clean.

  22. Hard work Is the key to success. The Students should work hard to get success.

  23. They should abide by the shoot rules and thus help in fostering the spirit of harmony resulting from self imposed discipline.

  24. They should try to act as an Ambassador of the school in all situations and create good will for their beloved Institution every where.

  25. Half day leave may be granted In special condition in the presence of a guardian

Co-curriculum Activity

Months Class Activity
April 1. Cartoon Making 2. Bookmark
July 1. Bhajan Singing 2. Hindi Writing Competition
August 1. Rakhi Making 2. Patriotic Song
September 1. Rangoli 2. Reading Competition October
October 1. Diya Decoration 2. Deepawali Card Making
November 1. Drawing Competition 2. Children’s Day Celebration
December 1. Christmas Celebration 2. Poster Making
January 1. Kite Making 2. English Writing Competition
Febuary 1. Basant Panchmi Celebration 2. shlok Competition 3. Sports Day
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